10 Reasons Married Women Rarely Initiate Sex

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10 Reasons Married Women Rarely Initiate Sex

One prevalent issue in modern marriages is the frequent lack of interest in s3x exhibited by many married women. It is a common trend for married women to be hesitant to initiate s3xual activity.

I understand that it can be frustrating sometimes, especially if you once had a healthy and active s3x life.

But remember, a problem can’t be fixed until the cause is known. That’s why we want to look at the most common reasons most married women are never in the mood or do not initiate s3x.

By default, men have a higher s3xual drive compared to women. Research says that 51% of men would like to have s3x at least every day compared to only 7% of women who like to have s3x everyday.

So, yeah, it is just normal if the man is always the one doing the chase.

Most couples usually begin marriage with an exciting s3x life, with the wife initiating s3x, but once the wife gets pregnant, the mom mode activates and things change.

Most pregnant women experience low libido due to hormonal fluctuations.

Men must understand that pregnancy is a handful for women. Your pregnant wife will most likely not make a s3xual move due to the many physical, mental and psychological disorders accompanied by pregnancy.

For instance, anxiety is a common theme among pregnant women; she may wake up and start watching videos of how to push during labour. The thought of what awaits her when she’s due for delivery can become predominant in her mind, and that alone is enough to override any s3xual desire.

I wish there’s time to dwell more on this aspect.

Fatigue simply means extreme tiredness. This is most common among breastfeeding and nursing moms. The trouble does not end after a pregnant woman delivers, it continues through the nursing and breastfeeding stage.

Caring for an infant is a lot of work. Sadly it is a 24/7 work, there’s no break. Nursing and breastfeeding mothers go to bed tired and totally exhausted everyday. The last thing on the mind of a nursing mother is s3x.

The simple truth is, she’s not interested in s3x. Thank your stars if you demand and she lets you have your way. You may wait till eternity if you want your wife that is nursing a child to be the one chasing after you for s3x.

Morealso, excessive house chores will leave your wife tired and uninterested in s3x. Imagine just one woman, she will bathe the kids, prepare them for school, cook for everyone, sweep the house, wash clothes, iron them, pick the children from school, start cooking again…always busy from morning till night. There’s no way such a woman will initiate s3x. She’s sincerely tired. Any little time she has is to catch some breath and not for s3x.

Hard to say but it is the reality of some men. A lot of men are only looking out to satisfy themselves during intercourse. And that makes s3x uninteresting for women.

For some men, they jump to the finale as soon as the start whistle is blown. No natural progression, no foreplay, no soft touch here and there, they just want to hit the jackpot already and get it done with.

Wives of such men will never initiate s3x because s3x is uninteresting to them
In fact, it is horrifying. It is their worst nightmare.

If you want your wife to initiate s3x, then you have to stop making s3x feel like a de*ath sentence. You must find a way to make it an interesting exercise that she’s always looking forward to.

Trust me, if she enjoys it, she will come back to ask for more.

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