My Spouse, We Need To Grow Up.

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1. We need to grow up and stop this game of tit for tat. It is childish to revenge.

2. We need to grow up and stop this silent treatment that lasts for weeks. Grown ups don’t behave like this.

3. We need to grow up and stop talking constanly about our problems and start focusing on solutions. Grown ups act.

4. We need to grow up and stop exposing our children to our drama and issues. We shouldn’t act childish in their presence with disunity and attitude, they are under our care.

5. We need to grow up and learn that disagreeing doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. Grown ups learn to work through the differences.

6. We need to grow up and become accountable and responsible so there is no need to suspect each other. You don’t need to police me, I don’t need to police you.

7. We need to grow up and stop allowing our parents and friends from coming between us. This is our marriage, not theirs.

8. We need to grow up and stop shouting and provoking each other like children. Grown ups communicate in a more peaceful manner.

9. We need to grow up and stop living only for today and start thinking about future investments for security. Grown ups plan ahead.

10. We need to grow up and stop reducing our marriage to just sexual partners. There is so much we can do together besides having sex.

11. We need to grow up and put down our pride and accept we need help. There is no shame in praying to God or seeking counsel when we are stuck.

12. We need to grow up and stop thinking only about ourselves. How can you and I come together to add value to society as a couple?

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