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Choose Your Hard

There are two kinds of pain in life that each and everyone of us must at least go through one.

The pain of discipline and the pain of regret!

Guess the good news? The good news is that it’s a choice. You can actually choose.

You can pay now and play later, or you can play now and pay later, either ways, you must pay at some point in life.

The easiest way at the moment may be the hardest way in the long run, we must beware of our choices at every point in time having the understanding that good is not always right but right is and will always be good.

Let’s not whine ourselves, the truth is that life is not easy for anyone, and that’s why you see few people making it and the majority faking it.

Life is simple but not easy!

But whether you’re making it or faking it, it’s not easy at all, that’s why I personally believe that there’s no point in faking what can be real with time, but like I said, it’s all a matter of choice.

I’m here today because there are people who think they don’t have a choice in life, I’m here to let you know that’s exactly what the enemy wants you to think, but you do have a choice.

He wants you to give away your power to choose at every point in time.

Understand this friends, good things happen to good and bad people just the way bad things happen to good and bad people, irrespective of your experience, you can either choose to be better or bitter.

The things I share by God’s grace are applicable to other aspects of life but I always steer towards the area of marriage and relationships for a reason.

Marriage is not the totality of your life, it’s a part of your life, but not just any how part of life, it’s that one part that’s capable of affecting every other aspect of your life, that’s why you must not neglect it for anything.

If you fail in marriage, success in other areas won’t really matter much, because when all is said and done, we go back home to our family.

If the family is intact, there’s hope for the society, you know why?

The family is the bedrock of every society.

An attack on the family is an attack on the whole society, the reason why our society is the way it is right now is because some families didn’t get it right, and the few bad eggs has grown to spoil the rest.

It’s hard but you must make a choice.

It’s unfair how some people were abused at a tender age, its unfair how some people got disappointed by the very people they gave their all to, it’s unfair how some people got crippled by the very people they sacrificed their all for, but as hard as it may seem, don’t allow your background story to be the reason why your back will remain on the ground.

If you’re still hurting, take some time and heal before you deal.

Don’t go about bleeding on those who didn’t hurt you, what they did to you was unfair perhaps, but it’s not a good enough reason for you to repay good with evil.

How does doing the bad things someone did to you to others make you different from the people who hurt you?

Spread love, not hatred, your presence should be mending hearts not breaking them, you know why?

You can’t break hearts and not be heartbroken in the process, and if you’re heartbroken, how will you raise a family without breaking their hearts?

It’s all about the identity, a heartbreaker breaks hearts.

You can only give what you have, if there’s no juice in an orange, no matter how hard you squeeze it, nothing will come out.

Today, I need you to choose your hard.

Staying on the ground where they left you without making progress is hard, getting up despite the hurt to dust yourself and try again by moving on too is hard, choose your hard.

Making a decision not to sleep around with anyone in a relationship until marriage is hard, most of your relationships will break because of that decision, but sleeping around with people who end up breaking up with you after getting what they came for is also hard, choose your hard.

Listen, you can have your cake and eat it, but you can’t eat your cake and have it, it may be hard but you have a choice to make.

The amazing thing about choices is that even when you refuse to make a choice, you’ve already made a choice not to make a choice.

In life, there are benefits and consequences, the choices that we make daily determine our lot in life. They can make or mar our marriages.

Marriage is beautiful when you make the right choices in life and marry correctly, the principles are intact, you can’t cheat your way out of it, what goes around must surely come around.

Speaking about choices, this is just a counsel, you can do with it as you please. It’s your choice

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